Returns the date of the current release of the Phenoscape Knowledgebase (KB) and counts of annotated matrices, taxa, phenotypes, characters, and states.
# S3 method for KBinfo
print(x, ..., tz = "")
the object of class "KBinfo" to be printed
additional paramaters that might be passed to print methods, ignored here
the timezone in which to print timestamp values, defaults to local timezone
A list of class "KBinfo" with summary statistics of annotation counts and other KB metadata (specifically, a timestamp for the current KB build).
kbmeta <- get_KBinfo()
#> [1] "annotated_taxa" "annotated_characters" "annotated_matrices"
#> [4] "annotated_states" "build_time"
#> Annotated taxa: 6540
#> Annotated characters: 14555
#> Annotated matrices: 256
#> Annotated states: 28461
#> Build time: 2022-07-07 01:24:38 EDT